Cleaning the glass surface of a stove for a clear and streak-free finish

Soot cleaning solutions

Soot cleaning can be a difficult and demanding job without the appropriate products. Our specialized products remove soot from surfaces, including walls, ceilings and equipment. Not only soot from environmental conditions such as traffic but also soot from accumulated after a fire can be removed effectively with our products. Removing soot buildup not only enhances the appearance of spaces, but also improves indoor air quality, reducing potential health risks associated with soot particles.

  • Safety

    Our cleaning products are specifically designed to minimize health risks and are safe to use for both cleaners and residents or workers. Our approach ensures that your environment remains not only clean, but also safe.

  • Efficiency

    Our advanced soot cleaning detergents offer fast and efficient soot removal, saving you time and costs during the cleaning process.

  • Fire clean-up

    Specifically for fire cleaning in buildings, as its unique features effectively dissolve and deodorise soot particles.